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The Latest From The Blog
An Update About COVID-19
We’d like to reassure you that Singer Kwinter has been closely monitoring the ongoing situation surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Winter Sports Safety
Winter is a great time to participate in outdoor recreational activities such as tobogganing, ice skating, snowshoeing, skiing, hockey, and snowboarding. That being said, every year, many Canadians become seriously injured after participating in these activities.
Chronic Pain – Proving the invisible injury in personal injury claims
Admittedly, chronic pain is very real and a significantly disabling condition to many people. In the scope of personal injury law, claims can be challenging when it comes to successfully proving the injury, the extent of the injury and its short and long-term effects.
36th Annual Great Valentine Gala
Alfred Kwinter attends the 36th Annual Great Valentine Gala on February 8th at the Royal York Hotel. Tamara Gordon is recognized with the Honourable David C. Onley Award.
Marijuana, Impaired Driving & Road Safety
Getting behind your wheel while under the influence of drugs is not only dangerous, but against the law. One misstep and you can have your license suspended, face fines, criminal charges, jail time, and pose a significant risk to your safety, the safety of your passengers and other road users.
Ontario Trial Lawyers Association Case Summaries
Singer Kwinter’s Susan Dhaliwal highlights important facts and outcomes in the Ontario Courts. Case summary originally distributed in OTLA’s January 20, 2020 newsletter.
Winter Maintenance Woes: What are an occupier’s responsibilities?
During this time of year, driveways and walkways on private property are hazards waiting to happen. But what is the law in Ontario when it comes to one’s duties to ensure their property is maintained for safe conditions? In Ontario, the governing legislation is the Occupiers Liability Act1, which defines what an occupier is and what their duties are.