Stay safe this summer out on the water!

Summer is a time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather with friends and family.  Especially after a cold and dark winter.  When summer hits, people love to flock to nearby lakes, and get out on the water.

Summer fun on the water brings with it the risk of boating accidents.  There are no lanes, stop signs or traffic lights on the water, and a careless boat operator can easily create dangerous situations with nearby boats, and swimmers.  As a result, a boat operator needs to be vigilant in ensuring the safety of passengers and nearby people on the water.  As well, the boat owner and operator need to ensure the proper use of life saving equipment, such as life jackets, for passengers.  Boating accidents can result in serious injury or death, and every reasonable precaution should be undertaken to ensure the safety of everyone on the water.

Fortunately, people involved in boating accidents are not without recourse should they require compensation for injuries suffered in an accident.  The negligence associated with the ownership, and operation, of a boat, is usually covered by homeowner’s insurance or boat insurance.  As a result, a personal injury claim can be brought against the negligent owner and operator of the boat involved in the accident, with the knowledge that there should be adequate insurance to cover the needs of the injured claimant.

Anyone who has suffered injuries in a boating accident, should speak with a personal injury lawyer to understand their legal rights and options.


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