On the Road: Cycling Safety and Insurance Know-How in Ontario

Cycling Safety in Ontario

Ontario offers some of the most captivating and scenic bicycling opportunities, particularly as we enter the summer months. With more bicyclists on the road, it is important to take time to consider their safety, or your own, as they form a more prevalent portion of traffic.

Bicyclists that become involved in collisions with motor vehicles do have recourse, even if not explicitly insured for bicycling. Most insurance policies will extend to you as a cyclist.

Claiming Accident Benefits

For instance, if you have car insurance you can claim Accident Benefits following a collision, whether the accident was your fault, not at all, or somewhere in between. If you do not have car insurance, you can claim Accident Benefits from the other vehicle involved in the collision. This is why it is vital to obtain the information of the other vehicle, even if it’s only the license plate. If you do not have auto insurance, and neither does the other vehicle or it flees the scene before its information is captured, you can claim against the Ontario Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund.

Moreover, home insurance may cover the cost of your bicycle, though such policies have low limits and high deductibles. If you own an expensive bicycle, it may be worthwhile contacting your broker to insure it separately.

File A Tort Claim

Lastly, you can file a Tort claim against the at-fault party. It is important to note that bicycles are defined as vehicles under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. As such, any violation of road rules may affect your claim.

Even a successful claim is no substitute for one’s health, so before enjoying the summer weather and cycling trails, remember your safety equipment, signaling practices, and reflectors. 


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